Discover the Joy: Green Tea's Health Benefits Extend to Happiness

Choosing your caffeine source wisely can bring more to the table than just a boost in energy—opting for green tea may not only have health benefits but could also contribute to your happiness.

Previous research has highlighted the positive qualities of green tea, such as lowering the risk of fatal heart disease and stroke. Now, it seems this leafy brew might act as a mood enhancer too.

Maggie Moon, MS, RD, a brain health nutrition expert and bestselling author of "The MIND Diet," explains, “Scientifically, there are bioactives in green tea that keep the mind focused yet serene.” Drawing a connection to Okinawa, a Japanese Blue Zone known for longevity, where locals often savor jasmine-infused green tea, Moon suggests that these bioactives could contribute to the overall well-being experienced in such regions.

Okinawans boast lower rates of cancer, heart disease, and dementia compared to Americans, and women in Okinawa live longer than anywhere else globally, according to the Blue Zones website. The diet of Okinawans, including the popular jasmine-infused green tea blend, is often attributed to their remarkable longevity.

Green tea's major components include caffeine, theanine, arginine, and EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). EGCG stands out as the most active and studied polyphenol component in green tea. The combination of these bioactive ingredients may lead to both immediate and prolonged improvements in mental health and mood, along with potential anti-inflammatory and longevity effects.

A 2018 study discovered that those who consumed at least three cups of green tea per week had a 21% lower chance of depression compared to non-drinkers. Moon emphasizes the cultural association of green tea with calm moments, noting, “Green tea’s excitatory caffeine and relaxing L-theanine work together to produce a calm yet alert mind.”

For those sensitive to the jitters and anxiety induced by coffee, the lower caffeine content in green tea, combined with L-theanine, may offer a more soothing alternative. Research suggests that this pairing can reduce anxiety, enhance brain function, and improve memory and attention.

Moon suggests enjoying green tea as a whole, rather than isolating its components. The beverage's anti-inflammatory properties, highlighted in a 2023 meta-analysis, add another reason to savor a cup. Moon notes that green tea’s flavonoids, natural compounds, increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), supporting the growth of new brain cells and maintaining the health of existing ones.

Furthermore, flavonoids in green tea suppress inflammation in the brain, countering the negative effects of stress.

Whether you opt for a few cups a week or make green tea a daily ritual, the benefits can be reaped. Moon advises monitoring caffeine intake to avoid jitteriness and ensure a good night’s sleep.

A study from October 2023 revealed that adults with a higher intake of caffeinated drinks showed less frailty and better physical function later in life. However, while green tea can contribute to a positive mood, Moon stresses, “Green tea alone is not an elixir of happiness. No single food is.” 

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